শেখার প্রক্রিয়ায় একটি বিড়ালছানাকে কীভাবে অনুপ্রাণিত করবেন

শেখার প্রক্রিয়ায় একটি বিড়ালছানাকে কীভাবে অনুপ্রাণিত করবেন

Golden Rule: Appreciate good behavior. You should have a list of all the behaviors you expect from your pet in your head. Watch the kitten closely and reward whenever you notice signs of correct behavior. Treats can be rewarded, for example, for using a litter box, scratching post, or toys, and for restraint when petting it.

শেখার প্রক্রিয়ায় একটি বিড়ালছানাকে কীভাবে অনুপ্রাণিত করবেনIf you want your kitten to be calm and sociable in the company of people during the developmental stage, you need to constantly provide him with a positive socialization experience, especially in the first few months. Try to invite a large number of people of all ages and appearances to visit. Use toys, games, and treats to encourage and teach your kitten to look forward to new and unfamiliar guests.

Finally, set your pet up for success. Do not tease or play games during which the kitten may bite. Remove things from his field of vision that he can break and get damaged in the process. Remember that food, houseplants, and shiny items on the top shelves always beckon most kittens.


নির্দেশিকা সমন্ধে মতামত দিন