বিড়ালের ভাষা কীভাবে বুঝবেন - মৌলিক অঙ্গভঙ্গি

বিড়ালের ভাষা কীভাবে বুঝবেন - মৌলিক অঙ্গভঙ্গি

Cats, like any other living creatures, have their own, special language. But, unlike humans, they convey their messages not only with sounds, but also with smells, as well as with body language. Due to the weakness of the human sense of smell compared to the feline, translation from the feline language is possible only through sounds and gestures.

If you study your cat well, you can catch all its feelings in the eyes just like in a loved one. If you listen, it becomes clear that each cat has its own timbre, so the owners can easily distinguish the “voice” of their cat from all the others. Just like people, cats often convey meaning with intonation, remember, they can even make the usual word “meow” in different ways – timidly, demandingly or menacingly. Learning the language of a cat is quite easy – you just need to carefully observe the animal.

How to understand cat language: basic rules

  1. Most often, cats greet people or make it clear that “they are here” with a short muffled sound. Yes, yes, your cat greets you, and you are so ignorant!
  2. A lingering “meow” indicates that the cat has missed you. This often happens if you are away from home for a long time.
  3. But the usual exclamation is a sign of a request (food or water).
  4. The long sound of “mrrrr-meow” is a more insistent request, and sometimes a direct command!
  5. Low notes are the cat’s complaint. Often in this way he wants to tell you that he is sick. And sometimes – that he wants to attack you.
  6. Low and lingering notes are most often a sign of a persistent team. (Feed your cat already!)
  7. Purring and “vibrating” cats show us that they want attention and affection. By the way, cats purr for very different reasons, but most often because they are happy!

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