কেন আপনি আপনার হাতের চারপাশে একটি চাবুক আবৃত করতে পারেন না?

কেন আপনি আপনার হাতের চারপাশে একটি চাবুক আবৃত করতে পারেন না?

Sometimes the owners, walking with the dog, wrap the leash around their hand. However, this is a very big mistake. Why can’t you wrap a leash around your hand?

The thing is, it’s downright dangerous. Especially if the dog on the other end of the leash is not very small.

Anything can happen. A dog is a living being, so absolutely any, even the most well-mannered and trained dog, at some point can pull the leash. And if she does this when the leash is wrapped around her hand, it is fraught with injury. And it won’t save the dog from anything anyway.

What kind of injuries are possible if you wrap a leash around your hand? The most different, ranging from torn skin and ending with dislocations. In addition, you can fall, and if the fall is unsuccessful, things can turn out even worse.

No need to wind the leash around your hand. Just hold it with one hand (closest to the dog) and harmonica with the other.

নির্দেশিকা সমন্ধে মতামত দিন